more bass on big muff fuzz

Started by bent, March 30, 2011, 06:59:38 AM

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my friend (play bass) want to had more bass on the fuzz big muff,

i did some research on the schematic and find that the tone stack can be mod to get more bass...

if we look at the schematic from tonepad:

wich part can i change to add more bass.... the .004 uf , 0.01uf or the 0.1uf ...

AND can it be adjustable ? to have a pot to adjust more or less bass ?


Long live the music.....


  Take a good look at AMZ labs notebook.
  Do yourself a big favor, and thank Jack Orman !
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


replace the 1uF input cap with a 100nF cap, and then, take a 100K pot and wire it in series with a 10uF cap. Wire this new configuration in parallel with the 100nF cap to get a nice input cap control that will control the bass.


thank's  for the reply....

so i analyse the amz notebook, and if i understand well, if i tweek the 3900nf and 22k to let more low pass, it should do the trick ?

azrael: wich 1uf input cap are you refering to?

Long live the music.....


the one at the input...?
I assumed it was an NYC muff. If not, 100nF is also a common value to find at the input.