Ibanez TK999 Tube Overdrive Question

Started by Willie T, August 20, 2004, 02:50:09 AM

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Willie T

My TK999us sounds buzzy. It has 3> TL072CP's in it. Would changing those to JRC4558's smooth out the sound?
If not, then what would? I'm a newby at this but with the prices of pedals these days, I want to start learning how to build my own.
Thank you for your advice. :?:
Ifn' ya got time ta breathe, ya got time for music.
Brisco Darling


Probably not a whole lot, I'd think.  Personally, I swap out 4558's for TL072's because I prefer their own special brand of sound, I guess.  Not sure that switching the OA's would help, like I said, i don't think so.  Peace n Love,

Peace 'n Love

Willie T

Thanks, does anyone know what can be done to smooth out the sound?
Ifn' ya got time ta breathe, ya got time for music.
Brisco Darling


Hay buddy ... better late than never ...
I'm a 10 year TK999 user .. (I own a few of'em since the first broke .. I spent a few weeks playing on other boxes .. just wasn't "my voice" so I have spares :) )
Anywhoo ... I've found out that experimenting with the tube's value will give you more/less gain AND different tonalities (i.e less/more treble/bass/mid)

Round up a few of'em .. compare .. and make you choice .. go by ear and by feel (they'll "feel" different too .. )

Hope this helps ..
