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220V to 110V

Started by Dimitree, May 04, 2011, 04:55:31 PM

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Hi guys
I have a Weller soldering station that I bought from Steve on smallbear
the station is perferct, and since I'm in EU I've been using it with a 220V to 110V trasformer until today. But now, since this trasformer I have is way huge (it's bigger than the station, since it's a 400W) I want to buy a smaller trasformer to fit inside the station. The station should need 65W if I'm not wrong.
Could anyone suggest me some trasformer on ebay or banzai or other non USA stores (I don't want to spend more money in shipping than in the trasformer).
many thanks


Seeing as you're planning to open up the station anyway, measure the output of the mains transformer that's already in there and replace it with a 220V-input equivalent. Probably much easier than trying to fit a step-down inside as well.
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.


It's likely that there is no mains transformer at all and it is SMPS powered.


indeed, no power trasformer inside, just wires that goes to the pcb with the power switch and potentiometer


Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.


many thanks for that! that's exaclty the station I have
there's an empty area inside where I could fit a small trasformer, the area is about 4cm x 3cm x 3,5cm.
do I have some possibility to find such trasformer?


would something like this work?


INPUT ( From The Wall ): AC 220 / 240V    OUTPUT ( To Appliance ):AC 100 / 120V
Designed to convert 220/240V to 110/120V for appliances up to 50 watt e.g. cassette/tape players, radios, calculators, rechargers, razors, contact lens sterilizers, etc"


> "for appliances up to 50 watt e.g. cassette/tape players, radios"


The 50W rating is a little small for a 65W soldering iron. It may not reach full heat. It may get hot if left at full heat for an hour. It may even burn-up. (But these cheap adaptors also burn-up for no reason.) For $7, I say try it.

You do NOT want the other kind, rated 1000+W for clothes-irons, cookers, and other dumb heater loads.


thanks, but reading the document posted by anchovie, and asking smallbear, the station draws 40W at max, so I guess the 50W should be ok, right?