A New Build, And A Blast From The Past

Started by smallbearelec, May 16, 2011, 01:45:14 AM

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Mark Hammer

1) First, I was also a fan of the Blues Project back in the day when they, and the Butterfield band ruled the roost.  Nice to see Danny is alive and well....and accessible.  If memory serves, Danny was generally a Telecaster player, so interested parties with single-coil instruments should not be deterred.

2) I don't know of any parts distributor who would take the time (no matter how much time it takes), to produce and test out such projects.  Not that you haven't earned yur place in heaven yet, Steve, but I think they'll be making a little more space on the couch for you.  Nicely done.

3) Your how-to posts/pages are always so nicely and richly photographed.  More meticulous than some of us might be when we build (cough, cough), but there is never any giant leap that leaves people scratching their heads mumbling "How'd he do that?".  More kudos.


Hell yeah!

I think I'll wait for the circuit board, but you can bet I'll be building this.

Psychedelic Garage Metal


Well done Steve!  Nice tutorial as usual.

Question for you:  I see your custom socket that you made.  Someone, somewhere, manufactures these in a similar fashion where you don't have to remove pins by hands.  I have about 100 of these that have just the center (of 3 pins) vacant and they're perfect for cap & resistor socketing.  I've been searching high and low for more of them but can't find them.  I got them at www.eskc.com and they have no idea where they came from nor any idea how to get more. 

You seem to be the sourcing guru.  Any idea where to get them?

The people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


Quote from: ayayay! on May 16, 2011, 01:34:10 PM
Someone...manufactures these...where you don't have to remove pins by hands. Any idea where to get them?

I have been happy with the quality of the Mill-Max version, so have never fished for other sources. Now that I think about it, they would probably make pieces to order if the quantity were large enough. I will ask next time I shop.


OK.......  I'll admit it.  I'm old enough to have been in about the tenth row watching and hearing Keith Richards playing "Satisfaction" when it was #1 on the charts.  (I was also at Woodstock, but that's another story).

I HAVE to build one of these.  The price of the three tested NPN germaniums be damned!

Steve:  Thanks for posting the link to your layout and great tutorial.  I'll be sending in an order soon!

Now to design my own artwork for the pedal.  Maybe a nice "then and now" pic of Keith Richards to demonstrate the effects of too much "fuzz".


...collectors together and emitter to base? You're such a darling...



  All things considered he's passed the tests just fine, and is still working.
   Gotta consider what road-work does to ya' anyway, this guy showed up happy and pulled it off countless times, I don't remember reading a review where keith really bummed anybody out [except Chuck, lol.
   I'd bet many of his schoolmates got stuck in a wheelchair a long time ago...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


i'm gonna have nightmares now...i know it.
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!