Please help debog a EF40

Started by foozertone, June 06, 2011, 08:38:06 PM

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It only has clean signal in any state's the ef40 filter envelope follower
3. I used the GGG layout. I would link here but i can't figure how
4 Things I screwed up on this board: for one I changed r1 to10k instead of the 100k i originally used (anyone else find the color code frustrating?)  I also movedr4 to the4 back of the board cause I screwed  it up on front

voltage at board   9.3


1  2.12        8   9.38
2  0.2          7    2.13
3  1.6          6    1.9
4   0.00        5    8.2

I willl grately appreciate any help or comments
Thank you very much


I am thinkin that you need to take a close look at R4.

I have not built this pedal YET.... but those voltages look wrong on the op amp. What op amp are you using?

Good news. It looks like you have V+ (power) and V- (ground) are on the correct pins.

Bad news. All the other pins look FUBAR!  :-\

Try taking a closer look around the Op amp for solder runs and take a closer look at R4.

Pictures of your board (both sides) would help a lot.

Good Luck  ;D
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