quick question re: eagle schematic to pcb transfer

Started by mordechai, June 15, 2011, 11:29:26 PM

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A very helpful member of the board walked me through some of the basics of eagle today, and I'm now finding it easier to draw the schematic.  However, when eagle prepared a PCB template from the schematic with all the components at the left side waiting to be placed, I couldn't find the "in" symbol for the audio signal line in on the circuit.  It's there in the schematic, but I can't see it on the PCB screen.  Any help would be great here, since I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.


replace your IN with IN(T) in your schem (if using gaussmarkov library)

the components should have "(T)" for it to have a pad in the pcb


Verify that the schematic symbol has a package associated with it.  It may just be a schematic symbol with no layout part attached to it.  To do this, right click on the part (either in the schematic or the board, it makes no difference) and click "package".  If there's no package, then you won't see it in the board. 


I would just define a pad and label it "IN" yourself.


That's what I do.  Wirepad is the library name. 