Just got an oscilloscope. settings to test piezos or guitar pickups?

Started by iandy4, July 01, 2011, 01:35:36 PM

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Just got my hands on a free tektronix 465 dm40 oscilloscope!!  The problem is I don't have a signal generator so I've been trying to figure out what I can measure just to get a reading.  I've been staring at that flat line for a few hours  :icon_eek:

I figured I could see a piezo pickups signal if I hooked it up and tapped on it but couldn't get a reading.  The problem is that I have so many variables right now:
1) I'm not sure if it works although I got it from a guy that is a friend of my moms and he didn't mention it.  
2) I never measured signals so I don't know what a piezo should look like or what setting to use to get a reading

I'd appreciate if anybody can give me some general tips to help get started with using this thing.

Right now the only things I have on hand to test are guitar pickups and piezos.  That being the case:
1) what volts/div should be a good starting point?  
2) It should be set to AC, right?
3) the range should be set to 200mV or 2v, right?

Thanks guys!

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Ipod? computer audio out.. A power supply (low voltage if you don't have 10X probes)

A Piezo should be a really low AC signal

I always test a new oscope with  a low DC voltage, as it is clear when you see a good signal.


Quote from: iccaros on July 01, 2011, 01:38:22 PM
Ipod? computer audio out.. A power supply (low voltage if you don't have 10X probes)

A Piezo should be a really low AC signal

I always test a new oscope with  a low DC voltage, as it is clear when you see a good signal.

:-[ hadn't even considered those!  Haha, still learning.  I'm warming up the scope right now!
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How about hooking your probe to the calibrator, that should give you a nice and clean square wave so you can calibrate your probes.
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ahh, yes, the calibrator finally shows me a wave form.  I just tried it with my computers headphone jack and I got a very small signal (or 2m. on the display set to 5m volts/div and 1m time/div.  I couldn't manage to get the signal any larger on the display. 

I noticed that the probe says 10:1 Atten.  Could this explain why I can't seem to get a signal to get bigger on the display?  It seems that the probe doesn't have a switch to 1:1
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Congrats, I just got My First Oscilloscope today too  :) a Rigol DS1052E, so not old skool like yours. I played around with analogue ones loads as a kid, but never had a clue what I was doing.

After getting bored playing with the calibration point this afternoon, I hooked it up to my laptop and found a free tone generator. It was cool looking at sine, sawtooth, (almost) square waves and noise of different frequencies. Not got around to hooking it up to my bass yet though.


Go to GEOFEX and build RG's quick and dirty sine wave generator.
Very helpful,congrats on the new toy,er uhm test equipment.
There is a bunch of links stickied in the FAQ on scopes too.
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
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i just got a tektronix 454 last week!

i ordered this:


amd it works great!  i cant get my probe to pick up the calibration clip on my scope tho.


Quote from: iandy4 on July 01, 2011, 02:16:34 PM
I noticed that the probe says 10:1 Atten.  Could this explain why I can't seem to get a signal to get bigger on the display?  It seems that the probe doesn't have a switch to 1:1

Yeah there is your problem


if you go through that tutorial, you will be on a good road to successes..


I just went over everything with someone who has a lot of experience with scopes.  I was having trouble because I didn't have the clip extension on the probe head and I fashioned an alligator clip to clip on to the probe but it wasn't touching the inner metal tip.  :-[ Once that was sorted out it was really a pleasure to start using and worked as expected. The 10:1 atten. thing seems to be a normal probe setting and as I understood it, it means that the .1v setting in "time/div" could actually be thought of as 1v.
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I ended up downloading audacity which has some great signal generating capabilities
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