asy31 germanium transistor substitute? combo organ issue.

Started by Rodgre, July 11, 2011, 06:07:25 PM

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Hey there. I am trying to diagnose a dead tone generator on the C note of an old Gem combo organ. I'm trying to figure out the circuit without a schematic and I'm guessing that it's a single-transistor tone generator based around this asy31 transistor (pnp, ge) and 4 octave dividers, each based around what seem to be GA10 transistors, branded with the TI logo. I get a click when the keys are depressed, so the circuit is getting the message to "play a C" in whatever octave I hit, but there is no tone. I assume it's that one odd transistor.

Is there any replacement that I might have on hand that would work? What harm could I do if I popped in a run of the mill silicon pnp in it's place?



Hi Roger,

found this - although the equivalents aren't any less obscure  :)

In terms of a schematic, Gem were responsible for the Vox Continental so you might find the schematics for those at least similar.