need to make the LED light up when playing, tried a few different things

Started by EATyourGuitar, July 12, 2011, 09:45:45 PM

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looking for a simple circuit to make the LED light up bright as hell when I'm playing and shut off completely when I'm not playing or muting the strings etc. I have looked at different ways to do it. like biasing a 2n5088 right before it turns on and running audio into the base. LED connected at the collector. I was using a schematic for 3v and line level adapted slightly for the 9v. I was having problem with that one but I think I may have better luck with a LPB at max gain going into a diode ring or some type of rectification. I have looked at half wave and full wave rectification examples. built a power supply in college a while back. the other issue is that I need to buffer and split the signal so I can still have the fuzz pedal not be affected by the LED circuit. I'm looking at the runoffgroove splitter blend. just the input buffer splitter part with a single TL072. the LED circuit is a dead end. I dont need the returns or the blend of the runoffgroove split/blend. the other thing is that the LED is controlling a LDR that is setup as a feedback loop from the out to the in of the fuzz. it must feedback after the TL072 or the LED would never shut off.

I'm breadboarding lots of stuff but I think I need to stuff on of my LPB pcb's to go any further. looks like 3 transistors and a dip8 for the finished pedal. should be kinda big for a perf build. :-\




might wanna whack a resistor on there though if using 1 led...but it will drive up to 8 superbright blue leds!..IIRC..looks the nuts!.. :icon_cool:

i messed around with this and had a hi gain distortion out of it plus the leds sound to light, it was pretty cool...(might revisit that soon!..)

also i was looking into using this in a noise gate situation/envelope etc......many possibilities..!!!!

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//



this is so perfect. I might need more than one led anyhow to get the LDR to go all the way. I have the 386. the parts count is low. I have the TL072 for the buffer splitter. get ready for an oscillating fuzz that is gated if that makes any sense. I redraw a schematic of the whole thing.


chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//
