low pass as a blend???

Started by bobodechimp, July 16, 2011, 07:04:15 PM

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could you use either a high pass or low pass filler to send part of your signal through an effect wile the other part goes to the out put instead of ground. that is to say to build either a fuzz or chorus that only your highs would be effect wile your lows would not or am i not understanding something simple?


would a simple low pass fillter like the one found on a guitar work or would their have to be a buffer/booster involved?


If you are using opamps in your fuzz circuitry, then I would use an active filter for the bypass as well.  You can get a steeper slope and dial in better impedance matching.

If your fuzz circuitry is transistor-based or tube-based, then a passive low-pass filter will do.  Think about a 2nd order or better RC, methinks.


slow down i'm a noob a smart noob if i say so my self. though under educated about electronics so yes it will be a tarnny base set up taking it slow will work up to op amps