Does anyone know about Ediswan transistors?

Started by evirob, August 02, 2011, 06:15:55 AM

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I have a bunch of Ediswan germanium transistors with the following codes:


Has anyone used any of these, or know what kind of projects they're good for?



Thank you. I did see that page, but I'm afraid it doesn't mean much to me, I'm a bit of a noob at all this. I'm sure the info I need is there, I was just hoping someone might have practical experience with these transistors. I know the difference between PNP and NPN, germanium and silicon, but not much beyond that - I don't know what tech specs are pertinent when comparing and contrasting different types/makes. Sorry for the base level inquiry, still learning  :-[


Yeah... I had a couple, I sold or gave some of them to a member on here... Phector I think?

They were made in the 50s is all I remember about my research on them... gains weren't huge.. 65ish range I think.

I might have one left I can try... they look cool (Top hats  :icon_mrgreen: ) and they're germanium, i'd try yours if I were you, get a breadboard out and make a rangemaster or fuzz face circuit.


Did somebody say my name?  ;)

PNP, Low gains, forget what exactly. IIRC the pinouts were funky too.
It might be on the link posted by egasimus. Either there or on the PITA datasheet.

Make sure you breadboard whatever you're building with them!
Tried a PNP fuzzface on breadboard, didn't sound too good so I'm saving them for something else! Yours might sound good in a fuzz. Or a rangemaster. Have a look at "vintage" circuits, there should be a ton of options

Best of luck!



Actually, I had the pinouts scrawled on a scrap of paper here...

PXB103 - PNP, EBC pinout with the white dot being the collector

PXA102 - PNP, EBC pinout, white dot --> C as above


Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try some fuzz type circuits on BB and see how they sound.