Scrounging Transformers from Printer Power Supply

Started by swinginguitar, August 24, 2011, 09:24:18 AM

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I cracked open an old power supply looking for a transformer to play with. In addition to the expected larger mains trafo, there appears to be a couple of smaller toroidal type inductors in there - what are they used for and are they of any interest to me?

Anything else in there worth salvaging...regulators/heatsinks etc?


Very little, I'm afraid, there are fast rectifiers in there good caps etc etc., but you have to ask yourself if you really want to go through the trouble to desolder them, they only cost a few cents new (ie. not damaged by the desoldering heat). They usually put in a noisy fan, so there are no big heatsinks.
The best thing to do is use it as is, as a lab power supply (if it works of course). Not sure what to do with the inductors, other than snipping the windings off and use the cores for somehting else.


These smaller toroidal type inductors seem to be part of the RF filter. That's typical for the OLD mains power supplies.
Too old to rock'n'roll, too young to die


Aren't these also use in SMPS? I think I saw one in a car stereo amp I butchered, with a number of windings.


I may attempt to de-solder the trafo just to see.

there are some large heatsinks in there connected to 2 regulators...might try to salvage.

curious about the smaller toroid transformer still...could be an SMPS as suggested..