Rant alert - I don't have one

Started by arawn, September 19, 2011, 10:55:01 PM

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I try really hard to be a patient guy but come on. If you are going to choose this as a hobby there a few special tools you willl need. One of those is a Digital Multi-Meter. I see these at walmart for $20.00, I wonder if you should be pursuing a hobby where you cannot invest $20.00 on something other than parts. I understand that times are hard for everyone but when i decided to do this i also committed to investing in the tools that are necessary. Personally i am tired of seeing help threads, where not only is someone to lazy to get the information so that we can help them, but can't be bothered to have the one tool that could help them debug their project. I think the what to do when it doesn't work should be mandatory reading for all members. I see so many reminders in threads to read that first and give the information it requests so we can help. I don't mind sharing my knowledge and experience, I mind telling someone how to fix their problem without them getting the information to do it correctly.
"Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Small Minds!"

Gus Smalley clean boost, Whisker biscuit, Professor Tweed, Ruby w/bassman Mods, Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer, Zvex SHO, ROG Mayqueen, Fetzer Valve, ROG UNO, LPB1, Blue Magic


If I didn't already have a multimeter (and it's shockingly bad, it gives false readings due to impedance) I actually couldn't afford one... and that's no joke.

If you don't want to help people, don't, some come here looking for a quick fix, some come here looking for answers... choose who.

When I join a forum as well, I always use the 'unread topics' function so I rarely see sticky threads, I wouldn't have known, but now (i'd at least like to think) I occasionaly help some people, even though I may have questioned things at the start.

What really gets me is people who questioned stuff who wanted help but then become all high and mighty about using the search function or reading the debugging thread when they didn't (not aimed at you) it can be missed and people can be novices, this is a free forum, if you feel someone deserves help and you want to give it, then do so, if you don't want to help, no one will complain, I regularly read thread I could help in and choose not to post a reply.

I'm not saying I don't get annoyed by some people, but ranting (in your words) is not the solution.


you have helped me a lot, I would gladly send you a DMM if it would help..



Dude, if you're this jaded after 500 some-odd posts, you're gonna be totally unbearable after the next 500  :icon_mrgreen:.

Pour yourself a nice sniffter of 20 year old port, roll yourself a doobie, and relax man. Life's is never as bad as you might think, no matter who crosses your path. I ain't got no weed right now, but I've got some port left. It's yours, seems you need it more than me.

scruff, I've only got one DMM, but you've helped me out too, and I'm not the brightest tool in the shed at this shit. I'd happily pitch in a 20 to help you get a better DMM. Hell, I'll even throw in some port!  Can we Paypal port? :icon_lol:

All wars are civil, since all men are brothers.
Peace brothers.
Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK


Cheers for the offers guys, it means a lot  :) but I can't accept freebies, just pointing out that some of us really can't afford $20 and sometimes it's not just a case of not wanting to buy a tool. I get by with the shitty one anyway, now I know it gives false readings, I can just ignore it when it lies to me, I rarely end up debugging these days anyway.

Although if you can Paypal some of that port i'll gladly have a glass and a smoke of whatever you have on offer next time  :icon_mrgreen:


To be fair, I've found more value for my multimeter outside of stomp box/guitar amp debugging/building. Saved me several times with electrical problems in the car which would normally lead to the average person sending their car in and costing a load more money. Maybe that'll convince more people to get one?  ;D

If it wasn't for the people here and their patience, I wouldn't have learned how to build and debug pedals. Simple.

People spend more time looking at the problem than looking for the solution which is why the same questions repeat themselves. Scruffie summed it up with some people though. We can't help that and I guess the best solution is just to leave the problem to someone that might be able to handle repeating a common answer.

Do I get some port now?
Rhythm in jump, dancing close to you


QuoteDo I get some port now?

Shot poured.


Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK


I bought a cheap MM long after I started building...And yes I got into some bugs, but most of the times I got out of them without the need of reading values (think misplaced components or tiny solder bridges...)
I got 3 of them now, very cheap (circa 4 euros) anc that's enough for the way I work...
Maybe you can get thru most of the bugs without, but as you can get one cheap, why not have one?!
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


maybe if we create a DIY volt meter we can help people have useful tools, that they can build

something like

I want to build a good LC meter..


All due respect to everybody and their opinions... However; if you live in the USA; you have NO excuse for not having a DMM:
8 bucks (5 for the meter; 3 for shipping) and you can post voltages. Make an audio probe, and one can troubleshoot enough to find and fix probably 90% of issues that arise. For less than $10 invested.
Now I will pour myself some vodka. :icon_cool:
And no, I'm not bitter.
I'm bittersweet. :icon_lol:
Mystery lounge. No tables, chairs or waiters here. In fact, we're all quite alone.


Cheers guys,
Dave's right, NO excuse for not having a DMM, but this involves you can also use it properly...
Some questions arise by the lack of knowledge about the circuit/schematic/ohm/murphy...

Can anybody post a vero about driving a plane?
I saw videos on youtube, played flight simulator, but I really need a vero layout....  :icon_lol:

don't worry, nothing to drink here (now), smoking instead....
"NOT FLAMMABLE" is not a challenge


Can anybody post a vero about driving a plane?
I saw videos on youtube, played flight simulator, but I really need a vero layout.... 

I'm on it  :icon_mrgreen:
Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK


Quote from: oldschoolanalog on September 23, 2011, 09:59:02 PM
All due respect to everybody and their opinions... However; if you live in the USA; you have NO excuse for not having a DMM:
8 bucks (5 for the meter; 3 for shipping) and you can post voltages. Make an audio probe, and one can troubleshoot enough to find and fix probably 90% of issues that arise. For less than $10 invested.
Now I will pour myself some vodka. :icon_cool:
And no, I'm not bitter.
I'm bittersweet. :icon_lol:

Join their free club and they have a coupon making that $1.95, but it has no continuity tester.. with audio..