VISUAL ANALYSER 2011 soft scope - impressions?

Started by DDD, October 06, 2011, 02:23:04 AM

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VISUAL ANALYSER 2011 soft scope (beta version) consists of the scope, spectrum analyser and multifunction wave generator.
On my opinion it's the best today's program for the amateur guitar-related electronics.
In spite of couple negligible bugs the program is great (!).
IMPORTANT: VISUAL ANALYSER 2011 has the very special D/A function (D/A field in the Scope mode). This function allows this scope to observe sine-way signal up to 15-20 kHs (!) without any noticeable distortion while other (simple) soft scopes can hardly do it with the 3-5 kHz sine-wave. All you need is to have simpliest 44 kHz/16 bit sound card and to engage the said above D/A function.
Download files and discussion is here:
Too old to rock'n'roll, too young to die


Thanks! I'll give it a try...
These are also nice ones...

I'm sure there are more, just google "soundcard scope"...

Let's have phun!