Power Supply Equipment Wire...

Started by ryanuk, October 06, 2011, 10:11:02 AM

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I have 2 small wall adaptors for powering the 2 loops of pedals on my board. They're 9v 500ma IC regulated (not switch mode) and quiet as mice, even though I'm daisy chaining. I know some may cringe at this setup, but I have no noise issues whatsoever.

The wiring has become a little tired and I had some problems at a rehearsal last week. Decided it's best to rewire.

Current I have a small ABS box which house both 2 DC connectors for the PSUs - then I run wires to the first pedal, then from the first to the second pedal etc. This time, I though I'd mount some veroboard in the ABS box, and then run discrete wires to each pedal.

Question is, what sort of equipment wire should I use? Should I use a small diameter audio screened cable? Or figure-8 "speaker" cable?



I would start by sheilding the ABS box with Al-foil tape (for heating/duct work.  expensive, yes, but very handy...) That will help you from picking up RFI (the box acting like a great antenna)...

As for the Trannies, those guys WILL hum if you stick them close enough to each other, so it'd be a good Idea to rehouse them in separate case, or spaced far enough apart to eliminate hum.  Idk how far this'd have to be; I've heard EM interference between transformers/inductors as far as 8-12in. apart.  Then again, some Hi-Fi amps put these guys right next to each other w/o any issues, so I may be talking out my @$$...

As for the wire going to each, I don't see why the (side-by-side) two-conductor that is typically found on wall-warts couldn't be implemented here as well. However, if noise is an issue for you, I'd get 2-conductor, shielded wire (24 might be a bit big... mayhaps 28 AWG?)  (I buy 2-cond/shielded Audio Technica at my local Radio/Electronics store for ~50c/Ft.  It work great for instrument cable...very flexible, very quiet, very easy to work with, and very clean (professional look, IMO)
Gear: Epi Les Paul (archtop) w/ 490R in the neck, and SD '59N in the bridge; Silvertone 1484 w/ a WGS G15C

Still a tubey noobie. Been doing this a while, and still can't figure much out, smh.


If you have "no noise issue whatsoever", then foil and shielding seems unnecessary.

Use the FATTEST speaker wire you can find which is well-marked for polarity and will fit in your plugs. If I were stepping on it, #16 won't last long, #12 would last a long time... but if you use those bitty concentric plugs, you may be forced to #22 and keep my big feet away from your rig.


Thanks guys.

Yeah - noise isn't a problem so shielding just seems excessive. Gonna stick to the same setup in terms of the trannies but thanks for the tips on wiring.

Ill try and find a good 2 core, shielded cable that will fit the plugs.




> 2 core, shielded cable

I would go for RUGGED before shielded.

It's DC power. Any AF/RF garbage it catches will be absorbed in the pedals' rail-caps.