Klon/Sunking: how can I voice it to be darker?

Started by Derringer, November 05, 2011, 11:04:25 AM

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I built one of these for a friend a while back. I know it's an overdrive and that's what he uses it for, but I kind of liked the way it sounded with the gain cranked as a standalone distortion. The only part I didn't like was the amount of treble.

The design of this circuit is beyond my understanding. Can someone point me in the right direction of building one (I actually already have another built using Madbean's V3 layout ... the buffered bypass version) that is darker sounding? With the tone control turned completely CCW, it's just about right but still needs to be deeper sounding.




One of the more popular mods is to replace C15 (tone control cap) with 6n8. That should solve your problem.

I actually have a mod that re-voices the whole circuit but I haven't quite finished it yet. The mod changes about half the values and provides more bass, more gain, a little less mids emphasis and better tone control (IMO, of course). But, if you are otherwise happy with the tone except for the actual tone control, then just do the C15 mod.


thanks man

interested in what that mod looks like when you're done with it too