Hi. New to the forum, straight in with the Phaser questions!....

Started by PorkyPrimeCut, November 29, 2011, 04:28:53 AM

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Hi folks.

I figured I'd sign up. So many times when I've been researching pedals I've ended up here.
Will so many insanely expensive pedals around it's great that there are sites like this with a strong D.I.Y ethic.

I'm a total electronics klutz but have successfully built 4 different BYOC pedals (2 different fuzzes, a treble-booster & a phaser, so I guess I'm not exactly a virgin?)
Don't expect any brainwaves in the electronics department but I'm pretty happy with some of the enclosure designs I've done so I'll post them.

I'm a member on the OffsetGuitars forum & recently picked up on an idea floated around by another member.
Then the other night, while at a Telescopes gig, a guitarist in the support band seemed to be using the exact effect I'm after.
I want to try & build a Phaser in a Wah enclosure. Nothing complicated, just a circuit that will let me control the sweep manually.
Exactly like a wah pedal, just with the distinct Phaser voicing instead.
Rather than getting my words muddled trying to describe what I mean look at this.

I know there are other pedals out there that do this but most are way out of my price range, even the one I linked above.

So, can any of you tell me how possible it would be to modify something like a Small Stone & stick it in a Wah enclosure?
I'm trying to find the simplest Phaser circuit but am already having trouble (they aren't like fuzz circuits, that's for sure).

Ideally I'd love to be able to snip out a couple of parts, add a different value pot & re-house it in a cheap wah pedal (this alone probably highlights my ignorance!)
I'm guessing this means I might have to find an older pedal that has a PCB I can modify easier. All the new ones look super-tight & much trickier.
With the overall cost in mind I want to make this as cheap as possible. I know I can get a knackered old wah for pennies, it's the other bits I'm worried about.

Any thoughts?


Hi, and welcome!

This topic has been brought up a number of times, so the search function is your friend for info on this.  One thread is here: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=92129.0- search for keywords "manual" and "phaser" (and possibly "sweep") for others.  Have fun!  ;D
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim

Mark Hammer

You don't necesarily need to rehouse the phaser.  Just get yourself a pair of plastic stereo jacks, like this one: http://www.smallbearelec.com/Detail.bok?no=771 , that will isolate all contacts from the chassis.  Move the pot you wish to control to the volume pedal/wah shell, stick one jack on the shell, one on the original box, and run a stereo cable between them.  Bingo bango, foot control.


Jdub - I tried a few different word searches but came up with nothing. Thanks for the link!

Mark - So, will this idea work exactly like the clip I linked above? Sorry but I feel like I have to read everything 5 times, such is my uselessness when it comes to electronics.
I know there are ways of manually controlling depth, rate, feedback etc... but I actually want to lock the pitch in place (so to speak) & be able to move it with my foot.

EDIT - I just read a thread on this subject & now my brain hurts. Back soon.....