DIY pot cleaning tool

Started by maximee, December 03, 2011, 11:57:16 AM

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Hello fellow stompboxers,

haven't posted in a long time - but now that winter is coming I'm ready to spend more time on DIY stuff.
Today all I want to share is my new pot cleaning tool as I had to de-scratch a few pots.
Usually I think it's better to replace a scratchy pot with a new one. Or at least clean it properly - which means taking the device apart and spraying directly into the pot with lubricating contact cleaner.

But sometimes there is not enough time to actually take a stompbox/guitar/amp apart. Or you are lazy like I am.
Inspired by the wise Dan Erlewine and one of his DVDs I built this.

While you could be even lazier and just shell out about $20 for this Stew Mac tool it think my tool works just as good or better.

It only takes a few minutes to build! You could either glue the small tube into the dowel. Or, as I did it, wrap the tube with some tape to make it fit more snug. Then you attach it to the pot and spray just a little bit. The contact cleaner works itself into the tiny gap between the shaft and the housing - and sometimes that's all what's needed.
In my case it worked out nicely, although I know it's not the magic cure for really bad pots.

What you need:

- flexible plastic tubing
- a wooden dowel
- tools: 2.5mm drill and some sandpaper to shape the dowel

A five year old could work out the rest, so I'll stop here.
It's not rocket science and might have been mentioned before, but maybe it's good advice to some of you.

Have a great weekend.


That type of design looks like it WILL remove the lubrication(oil/grease) of the potentiometer shaft to body.


I also had that in mind, that's why I wrote about using "lubricating" contact cleaner.

But you might be right, as I noticed a change in feel of the pot.
Before applying my tool the pot had a stiffer feel, it was harder to turn.
Afterwards the scratchiness was gone - but the pot turned a bit easier.
Anyhow, I prefer a scratchless pot over a well greased but scratchy one.

I think this tool definitely has its use but thanks for the heads up!


Quote from: Gus on December 03, 2011, 12:38:26 PM
That type of design looks like it WILL remove the lubrication(oil/grease) of the potentiometer shaft to body.

Problem with the oil/grease is that dirt sticks to it resulting in a dense abrasive goo. I've seen it many times in PC fans and it is very destructive.

I guess this fix proposed originally by Dan Erlewine is good.


I agree....that's gonna blast a way the pot grease/lube ...leaving a pot that's lost it's smooth turn/tactile feel..

Surely the cleaner should be blasting into where the parts of importance are - the wiper and track? (which already has a convenient gap to insert an aerosol pipe)


When I saw the title of this thread, my first thought was:  Hmmm, what could this be?  Back in the day we just used an album cover.
Then I opened it an read the posts.  Nevermind.  Carry on...