where to buy OLD ie paxolin PCB / copper clad board?

Started by darron, June 11, 2011, 09:29:13 PM

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I saw a guy listing some of that dark old brown paxolin PCB on ebay and bought a couple of sheets.. they never came and he never responded so there went $100. my friend bought one off him too in the same situation but hopefully paypal will refund him.

I'm looking for some OLD looking pcb for the mojo-max builds. specifically I want to do a build using only my 1950's parts.

failing that, just anything cool?

this guy on ebay has nice modern boards and i use his blue ones:


hope there wold has some left....

thanks guys
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!



In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Thanks R.G.!

That's a term that I didn't know. I knew somebody could help me out with something fundamental like that...

I've seen some boards made of this material and it was my next preference so it's good to know the name.

not much on ebay but google found a place in australia selling it very cheap but with photosensitised coating on it. hopefully i can laser that off and it might actually save me spraying. worth a shot.

thanks again (:
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


I did the same thing and bought a few of those boards which never showed up. It seems "Sinner" did that to alot of people on several forums.

Did you purchasing from that Austrian source? Anything to report back?


Quote from: Strange on December 05, 2011, 08:48:27 PM
I did the same thing and bought a few of those boards which never showed up. It seems "Sinner" did that to alot of people on several forums.

Did you purchasing from that Austrian source? Anything to report back?

sorry for the delays....

i later found out a lot of people got screwed on that one!

i bought in about 10 sheets of that phenolic base stuff. it's very small and pre coated with a photoresist. i'm not using photo development so i had to remove that without too much work using isopropyl and/or steel wool.

the base is very thick, and the copper is thick too! (sorry, can't remember the volume right now). the etches came out much cleaner than what i am used to.

the last one i tried to cut the other day i used the good ol' hack saw and managed to give the boards some cracks. it's probably MUCH more prone to cracking so maybe not suitable for boards carrying lots of weight or not many mounting points. for our little pedals no prob.

so, if you're going to cut it probably use a good dremel cutting disk or something, and don't rush.

seems to be the same materials lots of guys selling pcbs are using?

still waiting on some BROWN NOS style stuff, and i'd kill to know a good source ;D

a good forum member is sending me ONE sheet, but we don't know a source...

i tried the sharpie trick with a brown texta. maybe brown food die might fake it?
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


sinner is active again on the other forum, he had a lot things going on in real life, but i am sure he would be willing to working something out with you. :)