Zener diode replacement

Started by JebemMajke, December 16, 2011, 05:55:15 PM

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So I've decided to build a ZVEX box of metal for my friend and only today did i noticed a zener diode in a schematic. As i don't have time to order one with what can i replace it? Or how can i recognize it? For you see i am a part-scavenger, there's a ton of PCB's in my workshop ( so to speak, it's more a room with tools, 3 meters tall and 3 meters wide ) which were taken form old tv-s, radios and similar electronics. Maybe i can salvage it from there?


> i noticed a zener diode

Do you know which Zener?

. . . . . . . .  OK, I found what this box of metal is. Take any silicon transistor. Cut off the _collector_ leg. Use the other two as a "diode". One way, the circuit won't work.... turn it around, it will.
