ROG Ubescreamer

Started by euronymous0001, December 09, 2011, 05:14:59 PM

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I made this one ysterday. i used the eagle files from just modified with groundpour and relocated IN and OUT pads.

my problem is that it has very weak output, i need to max the ubescreamer volume and 3/4 full of my amp's (60watts) volume just to have the "bedroom volume"

already tried different ICs just to be sure, resolder all the joints and reched the wires.and rechecked for solder joints and also run a cutter between tracks and joints just  to be sure  ;)

this seems to really have low volume   :'(




Got some voltage readings? or maybe a pic of the board? Preferably both, there's not much anyone can do without that kinda stuff


Would you say that aside from the output level, the circuit is behaving itself? dist., tone, mixing of clean with dist??

If so you can at least isolate the issue to somewhere in the last stage.

The first thing i'd check is the 100k pot at the tail end of the circuit, make sure you're not sending the signal to ground
Then i'd probably check the components in the last inverter stage, make sure you're getting enough gain

btw i'm far from an expert. I finished my Ube today and it has HEAPS of output, regardless of drive and tone settings

good luck