Help with vero layout for trem

Started by harmless, December 25, 2011, 09:44:08 PM

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I'm working on an arduino based tremolo whose circuitry is an almost exact copy of the PIC tremolo described here:
I'm using a vactrol instead of discrete ldr/led bits but that's really the main change.

I've done a vero layout for signal path + pwm output path. I omitted 2 of the caps in the power filter section for space reasons and because I'm using this personally with known good buffered power supplies.

As this is my first vero layout ever I'd love some feedback.

The numbering matches the schematic in the above thread so there are gaps for all the pots and things only connected to the microprocessor (since I'll be wiring those off board). I tried to leave enough space for the vactrol and also not run anything across the IC/etc.  I have strips of vero that are about 9x25 so this will fit on them quite easily.

What have I done wrong?  What can I do better?  Thanks!


Just a quick look...

R4 is connected to Vref instead of Gnd. Quick fix move to E19/J19 add jumper at I10/J10
Ah but you only have 9x25 boards.... :-\

Jumper H10/I15 could sit under the IC, jumper H12/I13, cut at H13 & I12.
Likewise jumper E14/F14 could move to E13/F13 and cut at F12. The way it's drawn makes it look like it's all connected to 9v, but I see what you meant.


Ahhh great catch.  I moved R4 to c19/e19 and just jumpered c6/i6.  Jumpering over/around the vactrol shouldn't be an issue.  Thanks for the feedback.