Deadringer (Fulldrive / Tubescreamer) troubleshooting - voltages are way off

Started by kvandekrol, December 25, 2011, 03:34:44 PM

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Just finished Madbean's Deadringer build and am having some issues - no guitar signal when engaged, but a pretty healthy and constant crackle. Looking at the IC and Q voltages, it is clear that something is seriously (and consistently) wrong - but I'm not sure where to look.


It's a Fulldrive, which is pretty much a hot-rodded Tubescreamer. Here are my voltages:

IC (JRC4558)
1: 6.3v
2: 6.28v
3: 6.27v
4: 0v
5: 9.14v
6: 8.7v
7: 8.91v
8: 9.72v

Q1 (2N5088)
C: 9.72v
B: 5.46v
E: 5.15v

Q2 (2N5088)
C: 9.72v
B: 7.73v
E: 7.15v

So, Vb is nowhere near what it should be... it should measure about 4.86v, and all the pins of the IC except for 8 and 4 should be right around there. The base-emitter voltage differences on Q1 and Q2 are both reasonable, but the voltage itself is over twice what it should be in both cases (these should both be at around 3v/2.5v if I remember right). Supply voltage is 9.72v.

I double-checked the voltage divider that creates Vb, and the resistor values are correct... they just aren't halving the voltage like they're supposed to. What do I check next?


Are you SURE that R3 and R15 are 510K? Not 51K or even 5.1K?

Also, no solder bridges between IC1 Pin 5 to V+ rail?
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1) Yep... double-checked just now, and the fourth bar on the color code is orange, not red or yellow. (G/Br/Bl/O/Br)

2) Nope... I'm measuring 19.8k resistance between +V and pin 5, which appears to be correct from what I can tell (+9v going through two 10k resistors to get to IC pin 5).


I reflowed all the joints and now everything is measuring what it should, and it sounds great! Thanks for the help - as usual, it was a stupid mistake.


9.14v over R5 on pin 5 of your JRC4558 tells me that part of the opamp is not conducting.. you have no current flowing through that opamp section, I would look around there for some connection being bad.. I had a Rebot With a PCB from Tone pad that did the same thing. Turned out a trace was broken under the solder mask. I could not see it, but doing continuity test to all connections showed it.