Yet another Great Cheddar build report w/ pics

Started by idiot savant, October 07, 2005, 02:30:04 AM

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idiot savant

Well, I must've seen 3 other big cheese/great cheddar build reports this week. Mine is a little different.
1.made up a perf layout using RG's schematic(thanks much)
2.used one dual opamp (4558) instead of two singles.
3. skipped the rotary switch, used 2 spst switches instead and left off the tone bypass part.
4.made the gate pot external

I gotta say that it wasn't what I expected. The gated settings are my fave so far, and seem to be the quietest settings on the pedal. otherwise this thing has tons of "presence" which can be good. Really high gain. My build was a bit on the quiet side, just over unity gain with the volume 3/4 up. I changed out the 470ohm resistor on Q1 for a 100ohm and that hepled a bit. Other parts subs are .05uf caps instead of .047uf, and 1meg Vref dividers on the the opamp inputs instead of 680k. This was a nice quick build, and I'm pretty happy, I just have sooooooooooo many crazy fuzzes, that I'v been hankerin' for something more "conventional".

If anyone wants a copy of the perfboard layout I did, just pm me. The file is too big to host on my photobucket page without getting all squashed. It is hand-drawn, but anyone with experience building the stuff on Runoffgroove could handle it.

Thanks to RG for making the schematic available, pretty neat fuzz! ;D

Connoisseur of Distortion

awesomely done!  ;D it is nice to see the cheddar squzed into a 125B, as i have a handful of those lying around. i just don't agree with the horizontal layout. pedalboards must be SMALL  ;)

i have been thinking baout building another pedal lately, and i keep thinking CHEDDAR CHEDDAR CHEDDAR... willing to share that perf layout? i would appreciate it, as i don't really feel like printing a board...

idiot savant

Hey, Connoisseur of Distortion, just pm me your e-mail addy and I'll send over what I have. That goes for anyone else that wants this too. ;D

I usually just print out a perf template from Runoffgroove, and draw in a layout while I'm working. It worked great for me. I have the R's and C's labelled using RG's schematic. This would easily fit vertically in a 125B, and *might* fit a regular 1590b as well. The layout is 14x20 holes on Perf approx.

Aron, would you allow me some space in the Layout Gallery? I have a few other layouts I can share if anyone want's em as well.


Nice one!

As for the amount of fuzz, try adding a pregain pot to calm the pedal down a bit..... I had some troubles with mine and now it is quite wonderfull (from edgy fuzz to blazing fuzz).........

(and mine is in an even smaller box ;))
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account

idiot savant

Quote from: Bernardduur on October 07, 2005, 04:39:49 AM
Nice one!

As for the amount of fuzz, try adding a pregain pot to calm the pedal down a bit..... I had some troubles with mine and now it is quite wonderfull (from edgy fuzz to blazing fuzz).........

nice! I also saw that you removed C4/R7...? What did that do to the sound?

Quote from: Bernardduur on October 07, 2005, 04:39:49 AM
(and mine is in an even smaller box ;))

this stuff always amazes me. you look at the originals, and they're so freaking huge. but build one and a "B" size enclosure is more than enough room.  :icon_biggrin:


The removal suited in less tight fuzz (I need it on bass and on low fuzz settings I needed some "dirty" fuzz)......

Don't know why all those boxes need to be so big. I don't have that much place on my pedalboard
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


Quote from: idiot savant on October 07, 2005, 02:30:04 AM
2.used one dual opamp (4558) instead of two singles.

Hi, just building mine and considering same "mod" - haven't you got any issues caused by this? Oscillations at high gain maybe?

Cheers, T.
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