best TS808 vero layout and mods?

Started by bsmcc2010, January 02, 2012, 12:13:16 PM

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My friend has asked me to build him an overdrive. The plan is that we're going to create an overdrive exactly how he wants it so that he'll have something unique but also sounding just right.

He loves the vintage ts808 sound so my idea is to start with a straight up ts808 build, get him to play it a bit and figure out what he likes/dislikes about the sound and we can work on it that way.

Basically i can only find 1 808 vero layout which is, as it says, "seriously flawed"

Anyone have another verified 808 layout? And could you suggest some good mods for an 808?


Assuming you're not including the FET switching, why not have a go at laying it out yourself? It's not that difficult and there's a feeling of achievement when it's finished and working.



that's a nice idea steve, but to tell you the truth i can't read schematics. I wouldn't even know where to start.

I generally just work off layouts i find and just play around with them to get the sound i want-so not sure if i could actually come up with my own layout.


Go to the Layouts Gallery and look up SRV Special.   Nice looking vero layout by Ulysses.  I haven't boxed mine up yet...


"That's a nice idea steve, but to tell you the truth i can't read schematics."

That's a skill everyone doing this should take a little time to learn. If you can't make sense of a schematic, it's like driving in fog. It's not difficult at all, just learn the symbols for resistor, capacitor, transistor etc, and realise that a schematic is just a way of showing in a logical fashion how these are connected to make a circuit. The actual physical circuit is exactly the same thing, but laid out in a way that is not necessarily optimised for clarity.



Thanks guys-the layout roseblood posted with the asymmetrical clipping switch looks like the kinda thing i'm after.

Any mod's anyone would suggest trying on a standard ts808 circuit?


A more gain switch. That could be done a couple ways. And who doesn't love more gain? The more bass mod depending on what the guy likes. And don't forget the blue LED. These mods are at the bottom of R.G's "The Technology of the TubeScreamer"

Composers shouldn't think too much - it interferes with their plagiarism.
Howard Dietz


+1 for the SRV special.  Its a great sounding pedal, and a really easy to follow layout!


This is my take on the Tube Screamer theme:

- loosely based on a Maxon OD-808 (classic TS but with opamp buffers)
- with SRV special mods by JC Maillet (removed coupling caps/biasing resistors), wider gain range
- added clean volume pot to add clean signal, last opamp is used as (inverting) summing amplifier (maybe not as good as in the Sparkle Drive, but very simple)
- added voltage doubler (see fig. 16 in the ICL7660S datasheet)
- added switch for hard-/soft-clipping (diodes in the feedback loop / diodes to gnd)

attenzione: It's UNVERIFIED !!!


WOW Roseblood, looks great, i might build one, but i only have a lt1054 and 7660cpa, left. Maybe i'll steal the 7660s out of my Klon(e) which i hardly use.
I have seen your avatar here and ...there, who is she? Plus i think its sick of ,me that i keep staring at your avatar, sorry.  :icon_redface:
Cheers and thanks on the layout.  :icon_mrgreen:


Amanda Seyfried.

Why don't you leave out the voltage doubler part and add it later, when you have a icl7660s?
Connect +9V at h1...


Thanks Roseblood, i will. I'm a sucker for TS'ers and wil start on it tomorrow......Is she ignoring me?   :icon_evil:


Amanda? She had to leave... My wife took her place  :D