N-audio website - finally :)

Started by Nikolay, February 10, 2012, 11:21:35 AM

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Hi, guys. Finally (less than month) N-audio has a website


A few words: My name is Niki and I am from Bulgaria. Engineer and bass player with more than 10 years experience in band playing. I have equally long experience in making various electronic gadgets for musicians. I am well known locally and increasing my customer base around the world in the last few years. I built a number of custom effects, switching systems and various other electronic gadgets. Did repairs or mods to a countless effects, amps, guitars and bass electronics, as well.
You see that building a web site has been rather a challenge with all this going on, but it is finally up and running.
Hope you'll enjoy it!

Here is a picture of my bestseller - Firesound overdrive which I was posted early here:

I write this thread here, because I check this forum often. Also I'm grateful to this forum, because I learn a lot cool stuff here. If administrators think that this is spam, sorry you can delete my post, no problem.

All the best, Niki


честито, време беше ;)
тук-там английският има да се поошлайфа, ама сайтът изглежда супер!
наздраве :)