First OD Build Question - Dirty Little Secret- Is this thing working right?

Started by jasonsguild, March 08, 2012, 11:52:13 AM

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I recently put together a Catalinbread DLS clone following the vero layout from (the great)  Sounds pretty good (for my first OD build), but I'm noticing a volume drop when I switch the toggle to mode B (lugs 5-6, and lug 2-NA) compared to mode A (lugs 1-2 & 4-5).  It still gets plenty loud if I start turning up the gain in mode b, but if I turn the gain down all the way the effect output is quieter than the bypassed signal even with the volume pot all the way up.  In mode A with the gain all the way down it's still louder than the bypassed signal.  

The only thing I noticed is that when I connect lugs 5-6 with an additional jumper the volume increases, but I think that's just because I'm routing the signal back into itself (checked the dpdt switch and it's functioning normally).  I've double check my layout, plus checked things out with a MultiMeter and the makeshift audio probe, and everything seems to be normal.  I'm not sure if this volume drop between the two modes is just normal or not?  I've never had the chance to check out the real DLS to compare.  From the few videos I saw online, it didn't seem like this was happening to others.  

Is there anyone out there with their own DLS that could kindly chime in for reference?

Jason D