Drive Knob acting wierd on your new GGG WHRL build? Read this -

Started by Wag, April 22, 2012, 04:18:28 AM

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Howdy y'all...

I just recently got into building pedals. Just completed a GGG WHRL and wanted to share some info on it.

In the kit they include an extra resistor "R6". They tell you it isn't necessary to install this resistor but include it because it was part of the "original" circuit and they state you can put this in if you want an exact replica. So what the heck, I put it in!

So when I fired the pedal up everything worked BUT I found that the drive control was acting strange. Starting at the zero position, the distortion would increase to about the half-way point but turning it further would cause the distortion to decrease! My first instinct was to assume I wired the pot wrong but after going over the whole circuit I could find no errors. So, I decided to remove R6 and see what happens. Bingo!

I just wanted to put this out there for anyone else that may run across this problem.

With that said, here are the obligatory pics!

I had the case powdercoated. I put some temporary decals on it but I recently bought a color laser printer and want to eventually learn how to print waterslide decals and dress this up a little.