Rangemaster Controls

Started by kingswayguitar, December 01, 2013, 09:50:04 AM

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Hi all
Anyone with similar experience?  I'm still in the fun stage of experimenting and I find the standard potentiometre hanging off the collector to be useless to my needs.  I prefer a fixed 10k resistor with a volume pot after the output cap.  More useful to me is a small (1k) rheostat up against the emitter bypass cap a la fuzz face.

Anyone else jig with the original design like this?

happy Sunday  ;D


Do a search for
"treble boost" 
you should find a number of threads then try other terms for the search


Quote from: kingswayguitar on December 01, 2013, 09:50:04 AM
Anyone else jig with the original design like this?

Catalinbread have a nice silicon adaptation of the rangemaster called the Naga Viper, if you want to search for that. It still has the 10k collector level pot (works fine for me - what's the issue?), but also has a fuzzface-type emitter bypass cap+pot to dial in some more dirt, and a "range pot" in front of the circuit to allow treble/middle/full range boost. I changed it a bit in my clone, with a smaller pot and larger "big cap" value, and it's now a very useful part of my pedalboard.
Quote from: kayceesqueeze on the back and never open it up again


guess who comes up often in the searches
pinkjimiphoton !!
lots of good simple ideas
my last thought had been to just use a smaller pot with a fixed resistor on the collector. i find i only use the last bit of the stock 10 k.
naga viper... wow. helps having a marshall to play it through like in the demo. may turn my attention to something like this!! silicon perhaps? not much on the diystompboxes board about it. cool name too.

thanks a miilion


You used an audio taper as well? Maybe I'll try it backwards, or a smaller value.


Here's a cool two knob control that could be used for a rangemaster. It's interesting how it adjusts the frequency that gets boosted.


double checked my 10 k pot in the process of reversing it
it's only 8k4 and my ear needs it at least at 9 or 10k
12k sounds so sweet


In some of Joe Gagan's fuzzes that have trebleboosters as part of the design he uses a 25k for the gain pot , see the Brontoboost and Skyripper, maybe others?

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


Quote from: kingswayguitar on December 01, 2013, 09:50:04 AM
Anyone else jig with the original design like this?


I did not originate the "variable capacitor" on the input. My contribution is the use of cheap, low-gain transistors in the Darlington config.