QOA idea...newb advice sought

Started by pinkjimiphoton, July 24, 2012, 04:32:36 PM

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hi guys,
i was messing around with this virtual opamp applet i found on the web here:


and looking at the resultant waveforms, i figured i'd try to combine a few stages to see what would happen....this is all highly experimental, i haven't even breadboarded it yet so am
pretty sure it's gonna change significantly as i mess around with it...

on the drawing attached, are pictures of the wave forms resultant from a 1k sine wave input ....it seems to give various amounts of clipped triangle waves.

the first stage is pretty much almost a square wave, second stage i believe will be a little less harsh, and so on...i was playing with resistors, looking more to distort the highs than the bass, which i think should work from my experiments with other things i've tinkered with and broken.  :icon_biggrin:

the fourth stage is just for make up volume... i was envisioning trying to make a simple fuzzy overdriver with switchable clipping in a couple places based on other things i've seen..and to use readily available "radio shack" kind of parts... for the QOA, i was thinking maybe a tl074 or 84, even an lm324 or whatever.

all the values are arbitrary and likely to change as i go, particularly the coupling/blocking cap values.

this has the pre-tone control from my stiff hippy overdrive too...i really like having a passive tone control at the beginning of a fuzz, it seems to "smooth" the fuzz some by rolling off some of the ultra high fizzy fizzy's.

anyways, here's the pic, and it will be my first REAL adventure with my dust-covered breadboard.

any criticisms and advisements folks can make are welcomed, as i want to learn this stuff  and am not afraid to smoke some parts. errr... yeah, that's it.

here's my lame-ass ms paint workup...power supply, etc, is not shown...would be pretty standard, figuring a small series resistor, maybe a 100u electro, and a reverse biased diode should be fine.

especially curious about coupling cap values, and the diode clipper part on the first stage.

you know, i want everybody else to design it for me before i give it to the world. ;)

thanks brothers...ya'll are the definition of "rocks"


oh yeash, the blue waves on the diagram are the input, the green the result...i realize it won't work out to be anything even remotely like this, i just thought it would be neat to see what the resulting circuit would sound like clipping the signal like this..

and remember, i'm not only an idiot, but impossible to insult, so if i'm wasting my time, tear me up! ;)
i can take it.  :icon_mrgreen:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


The fourth stage will need a resistor to a supply (usually half of Vcc) from the non-inverting input.

The second stage has its input referenced to ground.  This will give distortion, but not the way you would want it, because the signal will disappear much of the time.

Driving the output of the second stage to ground at the low end of the pot will cause current limiting, but no recognizeable signal.  Same with the third stage.


thanks ron...

i appreciate the reply, just kinda wanted to get a feel before it hit the breadboard. your comments are constructive and most welcome, thanks!!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr