has anyone built this version? (superfuzz)

Started by Canucker, July 29, 2012, 10:53:19 AM

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yes, according to the schematic there, that's the classic version...with a 3.3K at the expander and a 10K trim for the octave:

always think outside the box


I use to say schematics make my brain explode...then it just made my brain hurt....now they just make me curious and help me debug my projects....and for my next trick I'm gonna lose my tail and walk up right! Did you use the suggested transistors? I've heard you can use a lot of different once and it doesn't change the sound to drastically.


Quote from: Canucker on July 29, 2012, 06:02:57 PM
I use to say schematics make my brain explode...then it just made my brain hurt....now they just make me curious and help me debug my projects....and for my next trick I'm gonna lose my tail and walk up right! Did you use the suggested transistors? I've heard you can use a lot of different once and it doesn't change the sound to drastically.

solidhex (Fu Manchu) gave voltages from a killer sounding original:

I used transistors in the 150-200 (which someone on the other board measured from his original 828's) range, which gave me insanely close to those voltages, except for Q6. To get 5.75 on Q6C, you'll need a lower gain transistor (~ 60 -80) or alter a resistor (I experimented by altering the 15K from B to ground)
always think outside the box