ds-1 tonestack mod

Started by chizkop, August 20, 2012, 08:49:48 AM

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Hi Everyone,

I've just dug out my old boss ds-1 and wanted to make a few tweaks to the mid range.

As I understand c11 and r17 form a high pass filter and c12 and r16 form a low pass filter.

Would doubling R17 to 15000k have the same effect as doubling c11 to 0.047uf?

Others have listed the corresponding resitor cap combination in reverse.

Any other ideas to increase the midrange would be much appreciated!

Many thanks..

Electron Tornado

Take a look at the Keeley mods for the DS-1. The changes to the tone section will flatten the mids. If I recall, the tone section is similar to the Big Muff Pi. You can use the Duncan Tone Stack Calculator to try different component values to get the response you want.


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