DIY pedal troubleshooting

Started by The Rocket From The Tombs, August 26, 2012, 11:23:02 PM

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The Rocket From The Tombs

After months of work, well over $100, I've finally finished my pedal and it doesn't work! Right now I'm trying to troubleshoot what might be wrong with it. I've read that frayed wires or burnt insulation can cause it not to work but, I don't really see how the insulation would matter. All of my joints look nice and shiny so I don't think they're cold. Then the parts. The resistors all vary in size but, I was told that wouldn't matter. What are some common things that might be causing it not to work? Also, does anyone know a way I could possibly narrow the possiblities down? I'll post pictures of it soon. If someone could help me with this, I'd be really thankful, I'm really frustrated with it right now. Also, when I plug it in, I'm not getting anything, no buzzing, nothing. Like it isn't even plugged in.

Electron Tornado

Have you read this yet?:

It would also help greatly to know what pedal you built.
"Corn meal, gun powder, ham hocks, and guitar strings"

Who is John Galt?

The Rocket From The Tombs

Oh, thanks for pointing that out to me, I'll get to work on posting the info, also it was a gcb-95 Crybaby Wah wah.