Switch question - TS-808

Started by Lbzg, March 17, 2013, 09:00:45 AM

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Can someone tell me how to incorporate switch (any and what can do what info please) into pedal for asymmetrical - symmetrical diode positioning (let's say like in TS-808)?

If someone have build it please share your knowledge. :-)

It can basically give two pedals in one...I'm thinking to build tonepad one...

To clear more if needed...how to put switch on one diode that is asymmetrical so that when I step on it or switch it, becomes symmetrical diode...what switch to use and what is yours opinion on this one? 

Arcane Analog

The GGG project file has that option and more.


Thanks! Great! It was on other page, didn't notice that before.  :icon_redface:

But, do you know how to do it on tonlab or any other diode? What needs to be done and how?

Arcane Analog

You can simply mount all of the diodes off board and use wires from the switch to the PCB.

Arcane Analog

Arcane Analog


This project has a clipping switch wired.


Thanks! That was lot of help! :-)