Expression Pedal Enclosures

Started by marcdemersKNG, September 18, 2012, 06:25:41 PM

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Does anybody know where I can get the best quality wah or expression pedal enclosure for the best price? I tried to do a search on here and didn't find anything, thanks guys :)


I would just buy one and gut it, but that doesn't really save on cost... Maybe ebay for a shell?


that's the exact opposite of cost effective ;P I mean like manufacturers.


Are you looking for a one-off for yourself or are you looking for quantity production?  Building for yourself, you could use the foot treadle speed controller for a sewing machine and just remove the return spring.  If you want to build using readily available parts, you can use a standard Hammond box (the trapezoidal one would look most like a commercial wah pedal, but the toe jam wah was done with a 1590A) and mount trunnions made from two sections of angle or a channel section and make the pedal from a smaller channel.  Standard wah hardware including the pot, rack, pinion and internal mounting details would be used.  I have not heard of anyone producing castings that would be usable for expression pedals.

The internal control elements could be more reliable than potentiometers - I would recommend modulating the signal on an RF carrier and using an LVDT (linear voltage differential transformer, which you could build yourself) or a differential capacitor (already available retail).  Both approaches would have the benefit of no resistive tracks to wear out or turn noisy.  Or use the toe jam wah solution: an LED and photocell with the pedal inserting a gate into the light path.

It looks like you will be breaking new ground here.