Help with the AMZ Unbuffer schematic...

Started by johnnyg88, September 24, 2012, 10:36:30 PM

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Hey guys!

Is there a diagram somewhere of the AMZ Unbuffer?  I don't really understand the schematic :( (the one at the very bottom of the page)

Would it be really difficult to have one drawn up?

I'm totally new at all this, although I can get by with a soldering iron.  I just need to know what goes where...

Any help would be great!



I'm not sure if you mean you want a layout or a diagram that explains the circuit (there's a thing called a block diagram).

This might help some if it's the former:

After you've read that, you might have some more specific questions for people to answer. You might also be able to work up your own layout on some graph paper ... try it after you've read the Beavis link and post it, and people might be able to give you some pointers or corrections. Seriously, you'll learn a lot more and save time in the long run by doing that than if someone gives you a vero layout. For one thing, you'll understand what needs to be fixed in case something goes wrong!
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


Thanks for the link!  Very informative.  I found a drawing of the circuit that also cleared up a lot.  However, now I don't know which parts to get!  There are SO many different kinds of resistors on for example.  The schematic says I need a 10 Ohm resistor.  How many watts?  What tolerance?  What kind?  Metal Film?  Same with capacitors... Electrolytic? Film? Ceramic? 

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!  I'd really like to try and have this done by next week, as I have a run of gigs that will benefit greatly from this device.



R O Tiree

A 1/4W resistor will be fine.  Tolerance doesn't matter.  It's only 10 ohms and it's only an approximation of a guitar lead.  Get whatever's cheap.  The 470pF cap could be either ceramic or a box cap.  The 0.1µF cap would be a box cap.  The two 250kA potentiometers are standard.

Go to for your parts, as there are only a few.  Places like Mouser force you into buying minimum quantities of things.  Steve will happily sell you exactly what you need.

For the pots: and select "Quantity" 2 and "Value" 250k Audio

For the caps: and select "Quantity" 1 and "Value" 470pF
and: and select "Quantity" 1 and "Value" .1mf (it's right at the bottom of the list)

For the resistor: and select "Quantity" 1 and "Value" 10 ohms (it's actually the default value already in the boxes, so you should be able to just hit "Add to Shopping Cart)

For the transformer:

You'll need a box to put it in... - I think the second one down on this page would be fine (1090NS), but there are loads to choose from to suit your taste.

If you want this switchable, then you'll need a DPDT switch.

You'll need 2 jack sockets - either of the first 2 models on this page will do:

Wire?  Hardware store, perhaps.  You want thin, low-voltage stuff, not mains cable :) or maybe get Steve's 50ft sampler set if you're going to do more of this stuff?

Soldering iron?  Solder?  Drill?  Pliers and side-cutters?  It soon mounts up, so borrow for now.  If you get hooked on this hobby, then you could invest in tools later.

Hope this helps. fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


Oh man!  Perfect!  Thanks so much!  I really really appreciate the advice.

This will be my first venture into this, apparently it's a hobby that's easy to get hooked on!  

One more question: Any ideas on how big I need to make all the holes for the box?  The holes for the pots, in/out jacks, and a mini SPDT switch?  Oh, and perhaps any info on where to find a BIG knob like the one on the Fulltone Deja Vibe, so that I can control the volume pot with my foot?

Thanks again
