using MAX1044 on Frobnicator

Started by mantella, October 20, 2012, 03:29:28 PM

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is the Frobnicator setup to use +/- 9v ? If so, i should be able to use the tonepad MAX1044 circuit with it so I can use the usual 9V wall adapter, correct?


you dont need the max1044 since this circuit doesnt use a bi-polar supply..but the one I built would not work with a tl072 ..I changed it to a tl062 and It worked voltage issues...etc..great sounding tremolo..ditched the EA and the pulsar in favor of the frob


weird. Any ideas why it wouldn't work with the TL072? Only reason I ask is that I don't have an 062.


you can find more info on other threads here..use a socket for the ic and then you can is supposed to work with a tl072 but the one I built wouldnt.why?..good question...hollis specifies a tl062..there are issues with the voltages and the led's are supposed  to be matched,but I had none of those problems with the 062..but it is tricky adjusting the trimmer to subdue the carrier frequency when in the ring mod  cant completely eliminate it..but I think it is a great sounding device..I like all of the hollis designs..