Modded ROG Splitter Blend not doing what I had hoped...

Started by remmy, November 02, 2012, 10:04:12 AM

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Hi all,

I'm trying to build a splitter blend with some alterations.  Basically it is for use with my fuzzes in one channel and keeping the other channel dry.  What I had hoped to do was to add a switch to bypass the input buffer on the fuzz channel to let me use my fuzz face without any issues and it is not working as hoped.

This is the schematic I drew up for it, I know the switches I have put on there are showing the wrong orientation but I have corrected this with the wiring.

I'm using a toggle switch to take out the first buffer, when the buffer is used the circuit works normally, when I omit it I'm getting signal but when I turn the blend knob to all of the dry channel I am getting faint fuzz coming through.

Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
Success is buried in the garden of failure.


You're saying you don't have fuzz bleeding through when you use the input buffer?  How does that work?  There's nothing in that blend stage to kill the fuzz signal when you turn it toward the clean.  I would expect it to leak either way.  Can't see anything in your "mod" that would change it.


Yep that's right, when the fuzz goes from the input buffer the circuit works as it should, so with the blend pot fully anticlockwise I get the clean channel and fully clockwise it's all fuzz, everything in between is a blend of the two.  But when I omit the input buffer on the fuzz channel as I have shown on the schematic I get fuzz bleeding into the clean channel when the blend knob is fully anticlockwise.

I figured that taking out the input buffer wouldn't have an effect but it does and I'm not sure why.
Success is buried in the garden of failure.