Help me work out what this is?

Started by Clarke, February 20, 2013, 06:11:17 PM

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Hey everyone,

Im pretty knew to pedal building, I have done a couple of projects ..anyway some old electronics got passed down to me from my great grandad. and there was this circuit in the box..and im trying to figure out what it is? i hope this is ok to ask here, Im not sure where else. From what i was told he was into audio and amplifiers .

I would love to be able to finish it, or make it work. but that might be unrealistic



it's nand gates, flip flops, and a timing chip

so unlikely audio


Audio.. i think so.. it has a piezo buzzer and a relay too


smells like a battery charger or an alarm circuit to me. and it's too big for that case.
granny at the G next satdy.


I assume this is on strip board/vero.

I can understand the sentimental appeal of having a piece of hand-made memorabilia from your great grand dad, especially if you can compete it. It's like the two of you teamed up on the project!

If you're really interested in finishing the project, you might want to spend a few evenings transposing the circuit into a schematic and then post the drawing. It would be easier for people to decipher the circuit's behavior and purpose if they could see the schematic.

Also, once you get a schematic, you might want to post it to this more general electronics forum:
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