FSH No effect, just a low pass filter type of effect

Started by Jmkrull, November 18, 2012, 03:26:12 PM

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So, I just finished my build and it works great when no engaged, very quiet and when it is engaged, none of the modes work (filter and sample/hold), nor do the knobs make any discernable difference. It just acts like a low pass filter. Where would I start to get this effect working properly? Thank you.

Using: http://www.tonepad.com/getFile.asp?id=138

Offboard #5: http://www.tonepad.com/getFile.asp?id=76

LED suggestions from Chromesphere as well as IC tips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x_2F6iOYkg

*I have my LEDs connected to the 7th pin of the ICs and the + connected to top center on the switch. They do not pulse LFO or do the up/down swell or decay. Is this the source of the problem?*

Q1: 2N5088
Q2: J201
Q3: 2N3906
Q5: J201
Q6: J201

Everything else is standard and wired in the appropriate place with painstaking care to make sure no traces are connected where they shouldn't be.


Pedals built: Pulsar; Uglyface; Slow Gear; Tri-Vibe; Tremulus Lune; Blues Driver; Fender Pro Vibrato; Nyquist Aliaser; Ultra Flanger; Clone Theory; Ibanez FL-301; Echo Base; Electric Mistress (Deluxe); Boss CE-2; Gristleizer; Maestro Filter Sample/Hold.



I have my LEDs connected to the 7th pin of the ICs and the - connected to top center on the switch. They do not pulse LFO or do the up/down swell or decay. Is this the source of the problem? Where should I connect the negative end?


I switched the grounds from the 3PDT to the jack and now I get no sound, but the LEDs function as they should (pulse or up/down swell). I get no sound in engage in both F and SH modes.


Q1 2N5088: C=11.62 B = 11.06 E= 3.48

Q2 J201 = G = .2  C= 11.06  Left = .01

Q3 2N3906 = E= 8  B=0  c= .56

Q5 J201 = G = 5.49 c=0  L=.1

Q6 J201 = G=.1  C=.67  L= 11.89

D1 = Line(cathode?) = 1  X= 584
D2 = Line = 214  X= 003
D3 = Line = 1  X= 209

Please help, this is bumming me out. I have been neglecting this soon to be awesome build because of this. Thank you in advance.


Looks like you might have Q1 and Q3 in upside down, or did you just get the pinout wrong when checking voltages ?


Ohh, ok. I will give them a flip and see what happens. I know the build report mentioned something about some transistors being backwards, but i thought that was taken care of in the revised layout.


I've finally found the time to do this and here's what I got. Nothing...

Flipped them and here are my readings.


E = 12.2
B = 11.62
C = 11.35


E = 8.85
B = 0
C = .53

Any other suggestions? Any help is Greatly appreciated


Well the collector of Q1 is wired direct to -9v, so I would start checking around the area of the MAX1044 IC.
Are you getting +9v, -9v, +8v & -8v on those 4  220uF capacitors  with respect to ground ?
Have you got the MAX1044 in the right way ?
Have you put the link in for the ground - it's the vertical black line under IC1 on the tonepad layout - between the 3K3 and 2M7 resistors ?

None of your voltages makes sense - there should not be anything higher than 9v, this effect uses a split power supply, +9v and -9v so I would expect some negative readings too