Aria RE-202 Jet Phaser

Started by armdnrdy, November 26, 2012, 12:13:22 PM

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While digging up info for a Roland Jet Phaser I came across this thing on the net.

Judging from the photos, it looks to be a similar circuit to the Roland, but in a smaller package.

I've searched around for a schematic or better gut shots that display the components better but have come up empty. Using the images in the link, I can't even make out those little Jfets. (what was a popular little square Jfet back then)

If anyone has one of these and could provide some better photos, or any other info, you would be my hero!!
No really, you would!!!
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


I have a Jet Phaser, and while it's cool enough, I don't think there's anything really special about it. It's basically a phaser and a distortion in the same box. Unless it's the specific sound you want, build a phaser that you like, build a distortion that you like and put them in the same box.

I did the same thing with a Small Stone, except I set it up so the the distortion could be either before or after the phaser, or off. It doesn't sound exactly like the Jet Phaser but it's the same general sound. A similar sound can be had by putting a flanger and a distortion in the same box. Or build a phaser with a set of insert jacks that lets you put whatever distortion you want in front of it.


Hey Rick,

Thanks for the reply. Do you have the Roland or the Aria?
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


I thought that I'd bring this thread back out to see if anyone who might own one of these things sees it.

Using the available photos from the net I managed to reverse engineer this circuit. The "jet" section is straight out of another Aria build, (AWF-2 Fuzz Wah) and the phase, feedback, and mixing sections are very close to the Roland Jet Phaser.

I have drawn up a schematic but the resistor values in the LFO and Bias sections were not very discernible in the photos and so are  unconfirmed. (R56 through R63)

Out of the few images available of the component side of the board, all photos were taken at the wrong angle to capture the electro cap values as well. (C17, C18, C28, C29, C31, C32) I also need the values for R6 and C15.

I put together this component designation overlay in hope that someone who owns an Aria RE-202 can supply the missing values.

If anyone could lend a hand it would be very appreciated!
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)