My first build - lovepedal eternity

Started by Jordash, December 15, 2012, 07:12:35 AM

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Hey guys,

I've just finished my first pedal. I chose the lovepedal eternity from lvlarks blog (awesome blog btw). The very build went ok, but i had some issues with the off board wiring. My own fault I tried following 2 different layouts at the same time.
I also made the mistake of using a metal dc socket in a metal case! Beginners mistake, but a bit of searching on this forum got me pointed the right direction.

I also had a play at the paint work on the box, not sure the best way to mark the pots and input and output, any suggestions?

Here's a couple of photos

Haven't done any sound clips because my playing sucks, but it does sound like a distortion pedal, so I'm happy.


Great first build!
My first was not that pretty.

There are many options for labelling the pots etc.
I think that in your case (with the enclosure already painted) i would suggest self-adhesive decals. You run them through your printer, cut to taste and just apply them. In my experience, you'll get a bit of an edge between the decal and the rest of the enclosure; but it's an easy way!

(Just re-read that and I think there might be sex joke in there somewhere...!)


+1 - yeah, not bad at all for a first build.  Looks way better than my lame first effort: nice swirl!

Quote from: Jordash on December 15, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
... but it does sound like a distortion pedal, so I'm happy.

If it sounds good, it is good.   :icon_biggrin:
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Cheers guys. I'll have a play with it. Next up Engineers Thumb....


It's too cool of a paint job to add any labels...I'd go blank!   cool first build.

one suggestion. you'll have an easier time with offboard wiring if you use thinner wire

always think outside the box