and so I heard of the true pure tube od "valvecaster"

Started by hopkinWFG, December 17, 2012, 11:29:58 PM

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heard of valvecaster from larry..i wonder where I could getta schemetics and parts list?
could someone help? and whats the latest revision?


Cool, isn't it?!?
Check out Beavis Audio:
Try the search function too, there is heaps of info about it here.
Good luck!
Marcus Wynwood
My Build Blog




Awesome ! is just pure tube ;) well but the schemetic didnt tell us how much is the Voltage needed for the capacitors ? anyone help? 50V? for all capicitors in the circuit? if yes why is it 50V? is it a standard ? what do i get when increase or decrease the Voltage ratings of the capacitors?


You'll be feeding the circuit 9 or 12 volt, so anything over 16 should be fine. Most film caps comes in 50 or 100 volt ratings, as the rating is maximum voltage across the cap over rating isn't a problem.
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generally as a rule of thumb, just double the voltage of whatever the circuit runs at to the next common value for the caps.

if running say 9v, go with 16v caps (at least) if running 18v, go with 35v etc etc.
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~Jack Darr