question about simple mod on my guyatone TD-X Tube Echo

Started by Nyklus, December 22, 2012, 03:11:12 PM

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Hello all, my question is basic.. It has to do with my guyatone flip tube echo pedal.
I love this pedal for its analog sounding distortion it adds to the delay.
I quickly realized that it has an incredible effect, much to the sound of crunching snow,
when you're using maximum delay time and quickly turn it all the way down and back up. So the tube distortion is adding more quickly to the increased rate of the delay.
So the mod i would like to build.
I want to wire a momentary switch to two of the "delay time" potentiometer leads.
I know how current will run to the least reisitive path. So i figured i could leave the pot set to the desired delay time, hit the momentary switch, and have the delay time jump down to zero resitsance, which i understand to be the minimum of all tape pots.

my main question are:

am i wrong about the minimum value of all pots being 0 resistance?

what leads of a pot would i attach my momentary switch?

am i wrong about the momnetary switch would bypass the pot's taper? since its a faster moving current.

thanks for reading looking forward to what you all say.