What type of capacitor gives the best sound?

Started by alparent, January 08, 2013, 11:13:09 AM

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Quote from: jk-fm on January 15, 2013, 11:46:06 PM
Only the finest tropical wood housing
Ok, I could understand wanting to put a nice wood cover on an exposed cap....let's say for a exposed tube amp with big caps on the outside.

But you don't have to dismental the caps to do that!

But his last sentance got me........"Now your caps will sound better!" Come on!


Quote from: jk-fm on January 15, 2013, 11:46:06 PM
Only the finest tropical wood housing


"takes only 2 hours of your time" - Ahhh I've been looking for something to do between breakfast and lunch! Great!

"If you do not trust your skills, Cees Piet is willing to make you a pair as described above. This will cost you 50Euros, the capacitors excluded" - Thats most kind of him to do it for just 50Euros. I'm such a clumbsy idiot with my bankirai wood enclosures! Maybe he could replace all of the caps in my Rogue synth like this.
Piss poor playing is why i make pedals.


Great way to stop your caps from dissipating heat and shorten their life.

Jeez people are stupid.


the problem, I find, with the tropical fish caps, is keeping their water heated.

now, if they was encased in stone, we could have something like a sauna system ....
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Chris Brown

If our perceptions effect what we think "sounds good" then whichever capacitor looks the coolest to you or has the most historic/sentimental value to you should be the one that sound the best to you.` :P


Quote from: jk-fm on January 21, 2013, 07:32:55 PM
custom built copper, silk, & mahogany cap


Anyone knows where I can source my own "audio grade copper foil"?
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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Quote from: teemuk on January 16, 2013, 10:55:45 AM
Here are some fancier wrapper alternatives.... a whole series of them.

Tropical Fish caps = TONE!  ;)

The 2 white ones in the middle......is that for matched capacitors? You know you have to match your caps ..... for the ultimate tone ..... right!?


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Seriously for a moment though it's difficult within this thread, I had a problem with a twin caster build. I'd fluffed the wiring somewhere but while I was debugging, I found that bigger caps really helped the tone. Now I appreciate that the original tone was being totally strangled by my mistake but it makes me wonder if, in part, these special caps do actually improve the sound of a 'badly' designed amp and hence their reputation?
Probably not but there is a part of me that likes to think that some of these mega-fi amps aren't all they're cracked up to be
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


How do you mean "bigger"? As in larger capacitance? Of course a different capacitance will have an effect, but that has nothing to do with the type of construction or dielectric or the brand.
Quote from: R.G. on July 31, 2018, 10:34:30 PMDoes the circuit sound better when oriented to magnetic north under a pyramid?


Bigger as in higher voltage, physically larger same value. In my case, they were apparently holding a higher charge which in turn allowed the circuit to perform better when a miss wiring was bleeding a good amount of my precious 12v to ground. Effectively, they were becoming the battery. (sort of)
I must point out however that when the miss wiring was corrected, changing the caps made absolutely no difference whatsoever
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Quote from: alparent on January 22, 2013, 07:26:01 AM
Quote from: teemuk on January 16, 2013, 10:55:45 AM
Here are some fancier wrapper alternatives.... a whole series of them.

Tropical Fish caps = TONE!  ;)

The 2 white ones in the middle......is that for matched capacitors? You know you have to match your caps ..... for the ultimate tone ..... right!?

Of course! But someone seems to have hooked up the polarities completely wrong here...
Piss poor playing is why i make pedals.


Quote from: stallik on January 22, 2013, 08:34:49 AM
Bigger as in higher voltage, physically larger same value. In my case, they were apparently holding a higher charge which in turn allowed the circuit to perform better when a miss wiring was bleeding a good amount of my precious 12v to ground. Effectively, they were becoming the battery. (sort of)
I must point out however that when the miss wiring was corrected, changing the caps made absolutely no difference whatsoever

I suspect that while equal in nominal value, the capacitors where different in actual value. It made some difference in your miswired circuit, but not in the correct one. Caps are usually about 20% tolerance, so two caps of equal value might be far from equal.

To verify your findings you'd have to match your caps (sorry, had to get that in here).
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You guys realise that I have add more replies to this bogus post then I ever got with a serious one! Go figure? ::)


Studiozey.com is.... woah. Just finished reading the whole website and wood modding a 100uf electrolytic. We'll see how it sounds haha. That website had me saying "wtf is going on" more than any other on the web. @55 euro for a capacitor, they better be the best damn capacitors on the planet.
"Never heard a man speak like this man before, never heard a man speak like this man before. All the days of my life ever since I've been born, never heard a man speak like this man before."


Don't know if different woods gives different tones?

I think they have a 900 number where you can talk to a psychic and she will tell you what wood would better compliment your ora.


I stopped looking at that site after two pages. spare me!

does this block make (much as I hate it) wooden vero? audio standard copper, natch. that would improve the sound of some fuzz boxes, I'm sure.

and I want to see something he has built with this tree crap. something like a 100W stereo amp, or better still, a preamp, with all the rca sockets needed for modern life, and all made from wood. he can make the case from wax impregnated silk, if it helps ....

for "block" above, read either blockhead or bloke, which is what I meant to type
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


Quote from: jk-fm on January 15, 2013, 11:46:06 PM
Only the finest tropical wood housing


"This modification takes only 2 hours of your time if stuck to the materials mentioned above (the making of the wooden housings excluded). It is fun doing this, sure different than most modifications to amplifiers! If you do not trust your skills, Cees Piet is willing to make you a pair as described above. This will cost you 50Euros, the capacitors excluded. Contact for more information Cees."

Or to save time and money (and it's more fun!), you could smear peanut butter in your butt crack and achieve an even better sound.  Caveats: (1) you must sit on the device containing the capacitors, and (2) the peanut butter is no longer edible.

It would be great if someone would try it and post a video.
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