cool reverb apart from switch spdt 'pop' issue

Started by deadastronaut, January 28, 2013, 06:49:11 AM

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Quote from: aballen on June 12, 2013, 04:56:21 PM
Ok, I just got a long brick in the mail for my tenebrion reverb, but after seeing the demos for this I think I'm building one of these.

Would anyone be interested if I had a few boards fabbed up?  It might take me a bit to get it all right in eagle, but once that is done, OSH park gets me boards pretty quickly.

R O Tiree offers the PCB's for purchase already.
Pedal Parts Shop                Youtube


+1 :  mikes boards are the nuts. 1590b sized too.. 8)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Are his boards etched or fabbed? 

I can etch one myself... but I really prefer the plated through holes on a fabbed board.
So many builds, I just can't list them anymore.


Does anyone here have a belton brick they would like to sell me?  Antique Electronics supply has @#$%ed me over again. When I ordered it, it CLEARLY said in green letters "In Stock"

But I got my package today and there was only a switch that I ordered. I called them and they told me it was on back order till mid July. ALL OF MY RAGE!   This happened last time I ordered from them. I'm done messing with these people....they have a 100% failure rate.  I suggest if any of you order from them to call in the order.

I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.

R O Tiree

Quote from: aballen on June 13, 2013, 12:14:25 PM
Are his boards etched or fabbed? 

I can etch one myself... but I really prefer the plated through holes on a fabbed board.

They are not plated through, but they are soldermasked. fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


Nevermind... I talked with the supplier and changed it to vertical mount (which I can make work) and I got them to send me a free shirt after a little fuss. First time they messed up it was ok,these things happen, but the second time the exact same thing happened and that's not ok. So I got a little compensation :icon_mrgreen:

I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.


A quick questions for those of you that have the dry level control. If you turn the dry down completely does the wet signal thats left reach unity? If it doesn't, is there a way to correct it so that it does?
....the staircase had one too many steps


Quote from: R O Tiree on June 11, 2013, 06:00:35 PM
I realised earlier today that I had not implemented the Oscillation mod. I've just now finished that.

Here are the new v1.6 files:


How much for 2 of these PCBs including shipping to Ireland please?


Quote from: jmasciswannabe on July 02, 2013, 02:22:45 PM
A quick questions for those of you that have the dry level control. If you turn the dry down completely does the wet signal thats left reach unity? If it doesn't, is there a way to correct it so that it does?

sorry haven't had a chance to try the dry mod out yet, but i do have a brick on order to try it out , i will probably breadboard it again and test it .

eventually... :)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


I just finished wiring mine and now comes the debugging. I'm not getting any dry signal. When I turn the dry pot up all i get is the faintest barely audible distorted dry signal that almost sounds like white noise. In the morning I'll try putting pin 1 of the dry pot to ground instead of virtual ground and see if that makes any difference.

Edit    I couldn't wait till morning. I tried lug one to ground and got the same thing.    Any suggestions? Has anyone built it with the dry mod yet?

I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.



I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.


chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Quote from: haveyouseenhim on July 19, 2013, 02:49:57 AM
Anybody? :icon_cry:

I adapted this dry control to a similar circuit using the above described method and it worked fine, except that when I took out all the dry there was a volume drop with just the wet. That's why I was wondering if anyone had completed it on this circuit and the result.
....the staircase had one too many steps


Re: Wet/Dry Mix:

First, keep in mind that I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. ;)

I looked at Merlin's Equinox reverb and he has the back end arranged like this:

A couple of differences are that he is using a TL072, and he doesn't have a JFET on the output from the reverb chip.  I'm thinking that there shouldn't be any major differences between the outputs of the bricks vs PT2399.

It may not work for this application, but it looks like an easy mod to try.
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Hey guys, I just did up a bom/component list so I can refer quicker (making a few) - am I blind or is there no R10?


Guessing it might have dropped out from an earlier schem


Sorry, double/ triple post. Getting used to tapatalk... :-\  :icon_redface:

R O Tiree

Quote from: pastiche on August 09, 2013, 08:06:08 PM
Hey guys, I just did up a bom/component list so I can refer quicker (making a few) - am I blind or is there no R10?

Go with the schem and layout I sent you in my email. There is no R10 in there. I suppose it was inevitable that differences would creep in between deadastronaut's original diagram and the various versions of my layout as suggestions from forum members were incorporated.

Here is the BoM generated from ExpressPCB/SCH:


C1   100n   
C2   100u   
C3   47u   
C4   47u   
C5   22n   
C6   100p   
C7   100n   
C8   1n   
C9   1u   
C10   47n   
C11   22n   
C12   100n   
C13   100n   


R1   10k   
R2   10k   
R3   1M   
R4   2M2   
R5   10k   
R6   22k   
R7   10k   
R8   10k   
R9   10k   
R11   33k   
R12   10k   
R13   33k   
R14   1M   
R15   8k2   
R16   1M   
R17   68k

D1   1N4148   
D2   1N4001   
Q1   J201   
U1   LM78L05   
U2   TL074   
U3   BTDR-2H   


DAMP   10kB   pot
DRYMIX   10kB   pot
FDBK           10kB   pot
RVB   22kB   pot
VOL   47kB   pot
OSC      SPST switch
SW1      SPDT switch for Bright/Warm selection

Hope this helps. fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


any know if it would be possible to add an effects loop on this verb? i'd like to play around with adding stuff to the wet signal a bit. maybe get into some modulated reverb territory.