How to select a pot after measuring the right resistance?

Started by chumbox, January 30, 2013, 06:41:13 AM

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Hey all

Have built a boost circuit that currently has a A100K pot at the end. I find it gives unity gain after less than a 1/4 turn and then by max it's super loud, distorted and pretty much useless.

Unity gain I measured on the A100K which is about 10K but I don't know how I choose a more suitable pot based on this. Since I probably want unity gain to be about 12 o'clock-ish does that mean a 20K pot might suit the job better or is it not as straight forward as that?

Thanks heaps :)


If it is an audio pot (A100k) then you should get about 10k at 12-o'clock. Are you sure it is audio. If so, you could try playing with the taper. If you haven't read 'the secret life of pots' yet, you might find it helpful -

Edit - removed sugestion to drop a resitor across lugs 1 & 3 - this is not such a good idea for a voltage divider.
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Appreciate the advice samhay

Went and read secret life of pots and makes a lot more sense now.  Also gives me a good basis to experiment off.


No problem - I hope you getting it working more to your taste.
I'm a refugee of the great dropbox purge of '17.
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