Gerber files from expressPCB generated PDF’s

Started by Eb7+9, February 15, 2013, 08:42:32 PM

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some background info and resources :


Instructions for XP users running 'strawberryPERL' compiler :

install 'PDFcreator' or similar and print-to-PDF your top (trace and text), bottom (no trace, no text) and silk layers from expressPCB layout drawing tool // pdf2berg assumes a rectangular shaped board ... in PDFcreator go into the options menu, click on the PDF option and set output to PDF 1.3 (un-compressed) // pdf2gerb can handle 1.4 but staying in 1.3 might help guarantee success here ...

move your three pdf output files into your "My Documents" folder as well as the file ... have a look at the options section inside pdf2berg and select either 2.3 or 2.4 Drill File formats (ie., either 1 thou or 0.1 thou resolution) ... your fab will tell you which one they use

start PERL compiler (ie., strawberry) ... at the command prompt input the following command string :

...>My Documents>perl name-top.pdf name-bot.pdf name-silk.pdf

seven new Gerber files will get created in your My Documents folder ... (ignore warning messages in PERL window)
open 'viewPlot' to verify sizing, replication, drill file overlap ... etc ... make sure you select the correct drill format when opening the Drill file // it should be the same as set in the pdf2gerb code file

unless something went wrong you should be done // ... Gerber files are ready to be sent away for PCB making
you might have to rename the Drill file, etc ...


many thanks to Don Julien for the recent revisions to pdf2gerb and to Mathew Swann for getting the ball rolling ... (!)

John Lyons

Working o cracking this nut as well J.C.
Thanks for posting.

Basic Audio Pedals


I've learnt how to use ExpressPCB, wouldn't get it to do gerbers, so gave EagleCAD a try. Still can't get it to do what I want half the time so gone back to ExpressPCB.

Thanks for the tutorial, I shall try it out later!


I'd recommend always checking your gerbers in gerbv before sending them off to manufacturing... I do this even with Eagle as a matter of procedure, but it would be doubly important for something like this.


Quote from: aion on February 16, 2013, 09:01:16 AM
I'd recommend always checking your gerbers in gerbv before sending them off to manufacturing... I do this even with Eagle as a matter of procedure, but it would be doubly important for something like this.
Pentalogix Viewmate, free:

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Quote from: R.G. on February 16, 2013, 09:17:51 AM
Pentalogix Viewmate, free:

Wow, that looks great. Gerbv is certainly not the most user-friendly tool out there. I may have to switch.


Viewmate is a limited version of Pentalogix's full-bore system. Fortunately, the limits are that you can only look at and inspect gerber files, complete with drill files and so on, exactly what is needed.

I've used Viewmate for nearly 8 years now. Great stuff if you don't want to pay for having useless PCBs made.   :icon_lol:

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Thanks for posting those instructions, JC!
I tried using pdf2gerb a few months back and did not have any luck with it. I could get the perl script to run from the command line, but it never created any gerber files for me. I'll have to try it again, following your instructions.

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."



Don's up to rev1.6h now // busy guy !

myself, been getting perfect results using rev1.6e set to 2.3 for CNC board making

if yer looking for some simple one-sided PCB protos with quick turnaround
send yur seven output files (pdf1.4 print , 2.3 mode pdf2gerb, and zip'd) with details to Andy for a quote ...

semoia AT shaw DOT ca