Dead Easy Dirt Issues

Started by chromesphere, February 22, 2013, 08:18:17 PM

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Thanks for the responses everyone!

I tried the output cap / res to some point...but i dont think it coincided with a working circuit.  It would be nice to able to turn dist / fuzz pedals up full without a bunch of oscillation.

That cap from plus to ground is the winner lol It just fixes it...

I tried the dead easy dirt again and it just works properly when its in the circuit.  As soon as you pull it out, it turns to sh!@.

Anyway, i think im actually done with this circuit for now.  Might revisit it down the track.

Thanks for all your help!

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I've noticed in some circuits that the LM386L (from Tayda) doesn't always behave like a LM386 (N1 or otherwise).

For example, the output voltage is supposed to always be exactly 1/2 the input voltage...and this is true for the LM386, but not for the LM386L. They should be the same, but they aren't.

386s in general seem to be hit-or-miss, much like some batches of PT2399.

I originally posted the Dead-Easy Dirt so that people who wanted an "easy" in for a build would have something super simple to work with. But, despite my best intentions, some folks have just not had good luck with that particular IC.


Hi Culturejam,

No problems mate, not your fault!  I'm seeing quite a bit of dislike towards the LM386, probably due to the inconsistancy, exactly like you said.  The Tayda Lm386 is very difficult to get to behave properly (suffix L).  I have decided to get a TDA7052A instead and build the punch amp as it seems a bit easier and produces 'clean' which is really what i was after (in amp format, not dirt pedal :D).

Yeah anyway, i reckon you got it in one!  Thanks for sharing the circuit, even though unfortunately it didnt work out for me, i definitely learnt a thing or two!

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