mxr blue box octave up???

Started by bukas, February 27, 2013, 05:27:38 PM

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is there any mod for blue box i could do to make it octave up by switch ?

im using tonepad's layout

tiges_ tendres

You can put a switch in to make it do another octave down, but not up.
Try a little tenderness.


You can also bypass one of the D-Types so that you only get 1 octave down. If you read about D-Type Flip Flips, you'll see why a Blue Box can't do what you're asking.

Out of interest has anyone built this? I bought mine and I find depending on the output loading the volume is crazy. It can happily do unity gain into a pedal, but needs to be cranked to drive an amp. What the flippity flop is up with that?
Expressway To Yr Null

Mark Hammer

One would have to add a completely different circuit to it to make it do what you're asking, regardless of whose layout you use.  Maybe not quite as bad as trying to turn one's flanger into an EQ pedal, but not all that far off, either.

If you want something that will do above and below, then you'll want something like the Pearl Octaver, which several people have posted layouts for, or just buy yourself a Slash Octave box.
